Details for this torrent 

Navteq Eastern Europe 2007-2 for BMW and other VDO CarIn Systems
Applications > Other OS
450.71 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Jul 10, 2008

Navteq Eastern Europe 2007-2 for BMW and other VDO CarIn Systems

Works with BMW
3 Series E46
5 Series E39
X5       E53
7 Series ALL

Maps include eastern EU
This one has more countries and better cover then the other one i have posted
No Speedcam database here


The tracker udp:// seams to be down, i cant connect on it...
I am seeding on udp:// and DHT Network
Please seed!!
I am Seeding but no one is connecting to me ?
try to manualy ad vip tracker
I Have

My client (azureus) reports:

Connection error (no data Received from tracker)

I have got 23.7% but nothing since yesterday
For better speed ad folowing trackers
and SEED!!!
Not Eastern Europe !!!!
This is Central Europe cd!!!
If folowing countries are in Central and not Eastern Europe then you are absolutly right
CZ Czech Republic
EST Estonia
H Hungary
LT Lithuania
LV Latvia
PL Poland
SK Slovakia
SLO Slovenia
HR Croatia
E5M1R: Use the fine Wikipedia.
Well according to Navteq this is Eastern Eu CD
Central EU has
here I read seeders 3 but in my torrent client it reads 0 :(. btw how do I work with those speed up links ahead? tnx.
It depends what software you use, but you should somehow ad the trackers i have posted.
Otherwise just wait it will connect eventually
News from Navteq!!!!
Eastern Europe - VDO Dayton CD v. 2008-2
All said that`s a very good cd data navigation!!!
E5M1R do you have this cd? It`s a new one!
Will post 2008-2 if and when i get it
Trebo bi pomoc od tebe... imam imam 7 iz 2005 i navigaciju,ali bez hrvatske koja mi treba...sknio sam ovu verziju ali kada sam stavio u auto nece mi da o?ita...jel mi mozes tocno reci koju od ovih verzija da skinem?
Hey, who has the: navteq cy 2007 Europa.
for sony??? Please...
This version has Croatia and it wil work on your 7 series from 2005. Try using diferent type of CD-R i know for a fact that Verbatim works and Fuji does not, there might be others that work as well...
Ova verzija ti radi probaj sa drugom markom CD-R Verbatim radi 100%
Evo uspio sam...samo sto jako malo informacija za hrvatsku...jako malo cesta...
Jel imas mozda neku noviju verziju...ili di je mogu naci?
esmire, spasavaj, imam mazdu 6 ali mi ne pasu ove mape, imas li ideju gdje bih mogao naci novije mape, a pogotovo za hrvatsku? dobio sam navteq dvd uz nju ali iz 2001...
Hi esmir, I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina, i have bmw x5 e53 2006.
Do you have any map for bosnia ?
Pozdrav Druze ;)
e zdravo esmir molim pomoc u pitanju je navigacija za bmw mkv1 ili 2 neznam tacno ali treba cd dali ima sta novo od 2009 email belma_belma @sms .at hvala
Works just fine on my E46! Superb torrent! Burned it on ACME CD-R.